I was fortunate enough to have a week off work during my mid-trimester uni break so I thought it would be a good opportunity to take note and share what a week of eating looks like for me when I've got a little bit of extra time to make my meals. Not every day was something special as I was busy out enjoying my last week of freedom before heading back to uni but as always, my meals were fulfilling, nutritious and very delicious!
B: Apple and beetroot oats topped with apple, strawberries and pumpkin & chia seeds. S: Almonds & walnuts. L: Fresh beet greens & lettuce, baked sweet potato topped with black beans, onion, corn, mushrooms & tomato, hummus and avocado. 1 mandarin. D: Dads birthday dinner: Lentil wellington and garden salad.
B: Oats with apple & Masons Mushrooms powder. Topped with berries, pumpkin & sunflower seeds and peanut butter. S: Banana. L: Quinoa salad with tahini dressing and a slice of lentil wellington. S: 1 slice homemade blueberry cake and 1 orange. D: Veggie rice.
B: Oats cooked with banana, cinnamon & amla powder. Topped with banana, blue berries, chia and hemp seeds. S: Apple. L: Quinoa salad with steamed potatoes stuffed with hummus and nutritional yeast. D: Barley and vegetable stew.
B: Smoothie: kale, spinach, beet greens, banana, mixed berries, spirulina, flax & water and 1 fresh banana. L: Barley and vegetable stew. S: Apple and a small bowl of oats. D: Wholemeal spiral pasta with bolognaise sauce and fresh spinach.
B: Oats cooked with beetroot & dates. Topped with mixed frozen berries, hemp seeds and buckwheat kernels. L: Potluck lunch with Food4Life: soup, pasta salads, raw veg & dip, PB & choc slice. S: Green banana smoothie. D: Baked sweet potato filled garlic kale & mushrooms, beetroot hummus, sauerkraut and nutritional yeast with fresh spinach.
B: Baked apple and blueberry oatmeal (recipe coming soon!). L: Salad (mixed greens, cucumber, tomato, sprouted mung beans) with loaded toast: sprouted rye bread, beetroot hummus, tomato, cucumber and avocado. S: Lentil bread. D: Pizza: wholemeal pita bread, tomato paste, spinach, mashed chickpeas with sriracha, corn, mushrooms, roast pumpkin and nutritional yeast.
B/L: Cacao & cinnamon porridge with banana, strawberries & coconut flakes, a slice of thick cut fruit toast and an almond milk mocha at Seven Food & Drink, Lilydale. S: Banana. D: Salad: mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, avocado, sprouted mung beans, pickled purple cabbage and hummus with warm curried potatoes, lentils & kale.
Hope you enjoyed seeing what I eat in a week and took some inspiration from it! If you're wanting to try any of these recipes, I highly recommend Friday's dinner - the loaded baked sweet potato was absolutely delicious!