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Resources to help you transition to a WFPB lifestyle.

Writer: A Wholesome Serving...A Wholesome Serving...

Making changes to your current diet and lifestyle can seem quite daunting. Luckily enough, there are plenty of resources to help guide you through the changes. My one tip for when you are exploring these resources is to keep an open mind. Don't be put off by the changes you will need to make, but rather think about the benefits of this lifestyle and the improvements embracing it is going to have on your current lifestyle.

Also, enjoy the process! Learning something new should always be fun and exciting. Think about all the new food and flavour combinations you are going to try. I still find myself re-watching and re-reading lots of these resources because there's always something new to learn and be inspired by.

So, take the time now to have a read through my suggested resources. Many of the documentaries can be found on Netflix and the books are easy to purchase online or check out your local library. If you're still feeling a bit uncertain about taking the first step, ask someone to join you. Watching a documentary with someone else is always a great idea because it opens the opportunity for a discussion afterwards where you can discuss the main points or topics that struck you surprising. Or feel free to contact myself with any questions you might have, I’d be more than happy to help!


Forks Over Knives.

What The Health.

Food Choices.


Plant Pure Nation.


The Game Changers (coming soon!)


The China Study.

The China Study Solution.

How Not To Die.

The Starch Solution.

Meat Is For Pussies.


The Pleasure Trap.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.

Idiots Guide to Plant Based Nutrition.

Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes



The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee

The Rich Roll Podcast

New Normal Project

Plant Yourself – Embracing a Plant-Based Lifestyle

SpudFit Podcast

Big Impact

When Life Gives You Lemons, Go Vegan

As you can see there are a number of different resources out there to help you with your journey to becoming confident in your transition and begin to thrive on this new lifestyle. Please reach out to me if you would like further advice or guidance.



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